The Insidious Dangers of Disposable Isolation Gowns—and How to Address Them. Written by Karen Haberland, Senior Project Officer.
Isolation gowns are a longstanding infection control tool across hospital settings. These garments are intended to safeguard patients and clinicians by preventing the spread of disease-causing microorganisms. But do today’s disposable gowns provide the degree of protection healthcare workers assume? Not necessarily.
Switching from disposable to reusable PPE, Written for the BMJ
Sustainable sourcing, use, and disposal of personal protective equipment (PPE) can help healthcare providers reduce the environmental impacts of their work. In this article we review supporting evidence and provide guidance for healthcare institutions to adopt reusable forms of PPE as safe, cost saving, and sustainable alternatives to single use disposables.
Environmental considerations in the selection of isolation gowns: A life cycle assessment of reusable and disposable alternatives. Written by Michael Overcash, PhD, Eric Vollola, BSc, and Evan Griffing, PhD.
Isolation gowns serve a critical role in infection control by protecting healthcare workers, visitors, and patients from the transfer of microorganisms and body fluids. The decision of whether to use a reusable or disposable garment system is a selection process based on factors including sustainability, barrier effectiveness, cost, and comfort. Environmental sustainability is increasingly being used in the decision-making process. Life cycle assessment is the most comprehensive and widely used tool used to evaluate environmental performance.
Evaluation of the physical performance of disposable isolation gowns. Written by Selcen Kilinc-Balci, PhD.
The threat of emerging infectious diseases has highlighted the need for effective gowns to protect health care workers and patients. Although studies identified end user issues with the physical performance of gowns, the literature that evaluates the performance is scarce. This paper represents 1 of the first efforts to investigate the physical performance of a substantial set of isolation gown models in the marketplace.